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ADVICE TO A BLUE-BIRD, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Who can make a delicate adventure
Last Line: Within a sky, and rob it of its blue!
Subject(s): Birds; Bluebirds

Who can make a delicate adventure
Of walking on the ground?
Who can make a grass-blades
Arcades for pertly careless straying?
You alone, who skim against these leaves,
Turning all desire into light whips
Molded by your deep blue wing-tips,
You who shrill your unconcern
Into the sternly antique sky.
You to whom all things
Hold an equal kiss of touch.

Mincing, wanton blue-bird,
Grimace at the hoofs of passing men.
You alone can lose yourself
Within a sky, and rob it of its blue!

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