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First Line: A cock pheasant crowing in tyndall's ravine!
Last Line: One undefiled moment...Alas, adieu!
Subject(s): Birds; Crows; Hunting; Pheasants; Hunters

A cock pheasant crowing in Tyndall's ravine!
Not more pleasant the creek's career...
bitter-sweet, alders, red-haw, maples...
Octobers's smoke-sheer atmosphere...
No...none more pleasant of autumn terrain,
than you, pretty ring-neck, of chanticleer sheen!

Crow! Lovely bird, from your mauve review...
iron-weed, asters, sycamore glade...
Flap! Strut! Ecstatic mate calling,
defying Nimrod's deadly bead.
Flash! Eden's lost scene anew...
one undefiled moment...alas, adieu!

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