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THE ELDER WOMAN'S SONG: 1, FR. KING LEAR'S WIFE, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: A louse crept out of my lady's shift
Last Line: Her pocket turned out for me.
Subject(s): Lice


A LOUSE crept out of my lady's shift --
Ahumm, Ahumm, Ahee --
Crying "Oi! Oi! We are turned adrift;
The lady's bosom is cold and stiffed,
And her arm-pit 's cold for me.

"The lady's linen 's no longer neat" --
Ahumm, Ahumm, Ahee; --
"Her savour is neither warm nor sweet;
It's close for two in a winding-sheet,
And lice are too good for worms to eat;
So here's no place for me."

The louse made off unhappy and wet --
Ahumm, Ahumm, Ahee: --
He's looking for us, the little pet;
So haste, for her chin's to tie up yet,
And let us be gone with what we can get --
Her ring for thee, her gown for Bet,
Her pocket turned out for me.

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