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First Line: O god, eternal right, command us now
Last Line: So earth shall reap eternal brotherhood.
Subject(s): God; War

O God, Eternal Right, command us now.
Here at the parting of the ways we stand,
Custom and greed cry out for armament,
And fear makes mock at our defenceless land.
The sons of war may one day cross the sea,
O God our help, dare we depend on Thee?

'Tis midnight, lo, within a garden black,
See One in grip of hell stand undismayed.
Rejected lies a sword beside his feet
And angel legions fain would give him aid.
He makes his choice in earth's supremest hour
And journey's forth to Calvary and power.

Our time has come to choose, God help us now!
Who takes the sword shall perish by the sword.
All lands have proved since history began
The sure fulfillment of that changeless word.
We arm, and peace turns back a thousand years.
We arm and die, the victims of our fears.

Throw down thine arms, O nation of God's hope!
We will not chain our land to ages dead,
But trusting love, dare all onslaughts of hell,
Like Him who trod for us the winepress red,
And count it glory, though we shed our blood;
So earth shall reap eternal brotherhood.

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