Classic and Contemporary Poetry
THE COLLEGE GARDEN; IN 1917, by ROBERT SEYMOUR BRIDGES Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: The infinitude of life is in the heart of man Last Line: Into the choking storage of the quenchless sea. Alternate Author Name(s): Bridges, Robert+(2) Subject(s): Gardens & Gardening | |||
THE infinitude of Life is in the heart of man, a fount surging to fill a lake that mirrors heav'n, and now to himself he seemeth stream to be and now pool as he acteth his impulse or stayeth brooding thereon. There is no beauty of love or peace, no joy nor mirth but by kindred artistry of contemplation enhanc'd decketh his sovranty with immortalities. Jewels of imagination hath he, purities and sanctities whereby he dareth approach God plenishing his temples with incense of music in praise and lyric litanies that call on Christ: his Destiny is one with the eternal skies: he lieth a dream in the elemental far vistas of Truth inhaling life to his soul as the ambient azurous air that he draweth into his mortal body unconscious to fire the dutiful-desperate pulse of his blood. And yet again there is neither any evil nor mischief sprung from teeming chaos to assault his mind, but he will harbour ithe will be goodfellow in turn with Sin. Hark to him how cheerily he windeth his hunting-horn whipping-in his wolf-pack to their pasture of blood! See his comforting mastery of Nature's forces how he skilleth it to his own ruin, ev'n to mimic cosmic catastrophe in her hideous destructions! He will have surfeit of passion and revel in wrong till like a shameless prodigal at death's door he find his one nobility is but to suffer bravely in the lazar-house of souls his self-betrayal. Surely I know there is none that hath not taint at heart: Yet drink I of heav'nly hope and faith in God's dealing basking this summer day under the stately limes by the immemorial beauty of this gothic college, a place more peaceful now than even sweet peace should be hush'd in spiritual vacancy of desolation by sad desertion of throng'd study and gay merriment since all the gamesome boys are fled with their glory light-hearted in far lands making fierce sport with Hell and to save home from the spoiler have despoil'd their homes leaving nought in their trace but empty expectancy of their return, Alas! for how few shall return! what love-names write we daily in the long roll of death! And yet some shall return, and others with them come: life will renew; tho' now none cometh here all day but a pensive philosopher from his dark room pacing the terrace, slow as his earth-burden'd thought, and the agèd gardener with scythe wheelbarrow and broom loitering in expert parcimony of skill and time while on the grassy slope of the old city-rampart I watch his idleness and hearken to the clocks in punctual dispute clanging the quarter-hours dull preaching calendars ticking upon their wheels punctilious subdivisions of infinity and reckoning now as usual all the monstrous hours these monstrous heartless hours that pass and yet must pass till this mischief shall pass and England's foe be o'erthrown and shall be o'erthrown' tis for this thing her dear boys die and this at each full hour the chimes from Magdalen tow'r proclaim with dominant gay cloze hurl'd to the sky. Thus hour draggeth on hour, and I feel every thrill of time's eternal stream that passeth over me the dream-stream of God's Will that made things as they be and me as I am, as unreluctant in the stream I lie, like one who hath wander'd all his summer morn among the heathery hills and hath come down at noon in a breathless valley upon a mountain-brook and for animal recreation of hot fatigue hath stripp'd his body naked to lie down and taste the play of the cool water on all his limbs and flesh and lying in a pebbly shallow beneath the sky supine and motionless feeleth each ripple pass until his thought is merged in the flow of the stream as it cometh upon him and lappeth him there stark as a white corpse that stranded upon the stones blocketh and for a moment delayeth the current ere it can pass to pay its thin tribute of salt into the choking storage of the quenchless sea. | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...NOVEMBER GARDEN: AN ELEGY by ANDREW HUDGINS AN ENGLISH GARDEN IN AUSTRIA (SEEN AFTER DER ROSENKAVALIER) by RANDALL JARRELL ACROSS THE BROWN RIVER by GALWAY KINNELL A DESERTED GARDEN by GEORGE LAWRENCE ANDREWS NOT THE SWEET CICELY OF GERARDES HERBALL by MARGARET AVISON AN OLD GARDEN by HERBERT BASHFORD A PASSER-BY by ROBERT SEYMOUR BRIDGES |