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HAPPINESS, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: This world of ours appears to me
Last Line: To smile upon and love me!
Subject(s): Babies; Earth; Happiness; Hearts; Love; Infants; World; Joy; Delight

THIS world of ours appears to me
The heaven-land of places,
When I can look about and see
Wee, dimpled baby faces.
The chubby cheeks and clinging hands,
That climb about and over,
And bind my heart with velvet bands,
As dewdrops woo the clover.

This world is just a place of rest,
Where blossoms bend above me,
And spill their petals on the breast
Of little hands that love me.
I can't see anything but skies
That lean to kiss and bless me,
As blue as are the azure eyes
That bend down to caress me.

This world is ever glad and gay,
So bid farewell to sorrow,
For Love illumes the lengthened way,
And brightens up the morrow.
There's happiness around me spread,
With wee, soft hands to greet me,
When Tousled Curls and Golden Head
Run laughing out to meet me.

This world is just a heaven-spot!
You don't hear me complaining,
When clouds appear to be my lot,
And it begins a-raining;
Because the twinkling drops that glint
And glisten in the clover
Are just a diamond-jewelled hint
Of lush fields brimming over.

This world of ours is fair and sweet;
It couldn't well be brighter,
With love a-running out to greet,
And make each heart the lighter.
And happiness alone is spread
Around and all about me,
With Tousled Curls and Golden Head
To smile upon and love me!

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