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MY DWELLING, by                    
First Line: I'll build my cabin in the pass
Last Line: To watch the clouds sail by.
Subject(s): Clouds; Weather; Wind

I'll build my cabin in the pass
Sheer against the sky,
Where pines go marching up the hills
To watch the clouds sail by.

I'll live with the winds away up there,
I'll pal with the winds and weather,
And we'll think things out in the high hills way,
The hills and I, together.

For thoughts will form like the floating clouds
In the winds from East and West—
White, heaped-up thoughts, or sunlit wisps,
Luminous images, truth half-guessed.

World-thoughts, they'll be, that form and float,
Of roots and rivers and stars and wings—
Of seeds and buds and ripened fruit—
And ageless dreaming things.

Yes, I'll live in a cabiin in the pass
Sheer against the sky,
Where the pines go marching up the hills
To watch the clouds sail by.

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