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RED IS FOR WINTER, by                    
First Line: The coffee steams in a silver urn
Last Line: I have red books and a fire in the grate.
Subject(s): Red (color); Winter

The coffee steams in a silver urn,
My books are near in a friendly row;
The bright coals fall as they softly burn
When winter winds begin to blow.
Red leaves are warm beneath the snow;
Red apples shine on a delft-blue plate;
No need to fear a winter foe:
I have red books and a fire in the grate.

I do not mind the frost's return,
The bitter storms of sleet that go
To mask with ice each tree and fern
When winter winds begin to blow.
My hands are busy as they sew
The wool whose warmth can recreate
The summer days I miss, although
I have red books and a fire in the grate.

Within my citadel I learn
How sweet a thing it is to know
The joys of home for which I yearn
When winter winds begin to blow.
The fragrant brew, the candleglow,
The unheard melodies that wait;
Along with these for a winter's show
I have red books and a fire in the grate.


Oh, better than wines of old Bordeaux
When winter winds begin to blow.
No twilight finds me desolate --
I have red books and a fire in the grate.

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