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NATURE AND LOVE, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: When first I gave him all my love
Last Line: "thou hast not forgotten!--no, nor I."
Subject(s): Nature; Worship

When first I gave him all my love
I took the beauty of the world;
Wild winds, and sunlight, stars above,
And clouds upon the mountains furled.

The life of waters and of woods,
The sweetness of the flowers and grass,
Dreams of the sunset, joyous moods
The spirit of the Summer has;

I filled him with their soft romance,
I set my heart within its shrine;
He saw the lovely countenance
Of Nature, and then turned to mine.

All, all I loved was given to him,
All, all I loved was shown to me;
And then, that evening grey and dim,
The low moon burning o'er the sea,

He kissed me, I gave back his kiss,
My arms were round him, warm and fast--
"Is Nature more," I cried, "than this?
Have I not conquered her at last?"

Since then, he has loved, and loves, so much,
That in the grave men say is sleep,
He shall not lose my sweet wild touch
Through all the silence of the deep,

But, when the immortal passions move,
Shall quick arise, and with a cry,
Run to mine arms, and say, "O Love,
Thou hast not forgotten!--no, nor I."

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