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THE VILLAGE WELL, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Where summer basks on gowany braes / and whins in bloom are gay
Last Line: Around the village well.
Subject(s): Wells

WHERE summer basks on gowany braes,
And whins in bloom are gay;
Where labour rests at golden eve,
And rosy children play;
How sweet to hear, when evening's glow
Is fading in the dell,
The lisping murmur of the spring,
That fills the village well.

Sweet spring, the village dames by thee
Recount each homely care;
The comely maiden looks in thee,
And sees that she is fair.
There bashful lad and modest lass
The tender tale will tell,
When gloaming gathers o'er the braes
Around the village well.

But gossips say, the blooming maids
Who bear the milking pail
Have found in thee a faithful friend,
Whose bounty does not fail:
That by thy help, when times are hard,
Their little gains they swell;
It is no unrequited love
They give the village well.

The parched lip of honest toil
Finds solace in thy stream,
And those who wander love to rest
Beside thy rippling gleam.
Long many kindly thoughts of thee
In simple hearts will dwell,
For only gentle memories cling
Around the village well.

Long be the braes with gowans bright,
The whins with blossom gay;
Long, village sons thy memory keep,
Though far from thee they stray:
And long by thee may peaceful age
With kindling glances tell
Of boyhood's days and boyhood's ways
Around the village well.

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