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Classic and Contemporary Poetry

THE END OF IT, by                    
First Line: The earth weighs down my lids -- they forget the feeling of tears
Last Line: Now that I rest, beloved -- now that I rest.
Subject(s): Death; Dead, The

THE earth weighs down my lids -- they forget the feeling of tears;
The heavy clods on my heart numb it to pleasure and pain,
And my blood shall freeze or flame to your mood as in bygone years
Never again, Beloved -- never again.

I STROVE to see as you saw, I strove to hear as you heard,
I strove to stride with your strength, catching my labouring breath,
And never you slackened your speed to toss me a heartening word --
Weary to death, Beloved -- weary to death.

IF you called in the name of our love, I would not open mine eyes;
If you called in the name of my sorrow, no sigh would stir in my breast;
If you called me with God's own voice, I would answer not nor arise,
Now that I rest, Beloved -- now that I rest.

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