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OLD LOVES, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Old loves, once so alive, but now long dead!
Last Line: Give them remembrance for a coronal.
Subject(s): Death; Life; Love; Memory; Time; Dead, The

OLD loves, once so alive, but now long dead!
They told the same sweet lies, they often said
The same fond, foolish things, -- lip answered lip
With the same thrill, for Love's strong mastership.
Time is an empty Temple of Delight
Where once Love's way was festal, day and night.
And yet the newest pair of lovers smile,
Laughing and loving for their little while,
Without a tremor, and their look as gay
As those now dim, or these of yesterday.

Eternally they flicker to and fro
To Fancy's eye; for ever come and go
So light, so bright, so fragile and so sad,
The faded ones whom all the ages had....

Old loves, dead loves, and dust upon them all!
Give them remembrance for a coronal.

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