Poetry Explorer

Classic and Contemporary Poetry

DAUGHTER O' MINE, by                    
First Line: You came to me, dear, so welcome, so fair
Last Line: Blest little daughter o' mine.
Subject(s): Babies; Blessings; Daughters; Happiness; Infants; Joy; Delight

You came to me, dear, so welcome, so fair;
You brought with you joy, too great to compare;
A God-given trust to my clumsy care—
Dear little daughter o' mine.

Your dear, baby smile, bewitchingly sweet;
Your lips like a rose-bud, your tiny pink feet;
Your hands reaching out, the whole world to greet—
Sweet little daughter o' mine.

You've been to me, dear, a dream that came true;
My world has revolved around about you;
Each day you have seemed, a treasure quite new
Blest little daughter o' mine.

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