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ALL SAINTS' DAY (1868), by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Never to weary more, nor suffer silence
Last Line: "for both the happy life that is ""at peace."
Alternate Author Name(s): Cross, George, Mrs.
Subject(s): All Saints' Day; Allhallowmas; Allhallows

"But they are at peace."

NEVER to weary more, nor suffer sorrow, --
Their strife all over, and their work all done:
At peace -- and only waiting for the morrow;
Heaven's rest and rapture even now begun.

So tired once! long fetter'd, sorely burden'd,
Ye struggled hard and well for your release;
Ye fought in faith and love -- and ye are guerdon'd,
O happy souls! for now ye are at peace.

No more of pain, no more of bitter weeping!
For us a darkness and an empty place,
Somewhere a little dust -- in angels' keeping --
A blessed memory of a vanish'd face.

For us the lonely path, the daily toiling,
The din and strife of battle, never still'd;
For us the wounds, the hunger, and the soiling, --
The utter, speechless longing, unfulfill'd.

For us the army camp'd upon the mountains,
Unseen, yet fighting with our Syrian foes, --
The heaven-sent manna and the wayside fountains,
The hope and promise, sweetening our woes.

For them the joyous spirit, freely ranging
Green hills and fields where never mortal trod;
For them the light unfading and unchanging,
The perfect quietness -- the peace of God.

For both, a dim, mysterious, distant greeting;
For both, at Jesus' cross, a drawing near;
At Eucharistic gate a blessed meeting,
When angels and archangels worship here.

For both, God grant, an everlasting union,
When sin shall pass away and tears shall cease;
For both the deep and full and true communion,
For both the happy life that is "at peace."

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