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GOD'S ANSWER TO A GRIEVING MOTHER, by                    
First Line: Dear lonely mother - heart, - I heard your prayer
Last Line: I have been lonely too.
Subject(s): Children - Lost; Death; Heaven; Mothers; Dead, The; Paradise

Dear lonely mother-heart, -- I heard your prayer.
Last night just as the purple shadows fell upon the Earth,
There was the softest sound upon the stair
That leads to Heaven's door --
And when we flung the golden portals wide,
A host of tiny ones were waiting there
To come inside.
Such happy laughing eyes and dimples sweet,
Such cuddly baby hands and tiny feet,
Oh we were glad to welcome back this band
Who left us such a little time before.

And waiting just inside the door
Were all the Mothers who had come that day
And left their little ones so far away
Upon the Earth.
And arms were opened wide and faces smiled,
And Mother Angels clasped an Angel child,
And Mothers' breasts each couched a sleepy head,
And carried them away to tuck in bed.
And then I lit the stars outside their door.

Have you not seen the million tiny stars up in the skies
Lit just before the dark?
They all are lit for frightened baby-eyes.
Have you forgotten, I, like you, have lost a Son?
I have been lonely too.

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