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MARCHING DAYS, by                    
First Line: To some far rendezvous the days march past
Last Line: To walk as comrade with the days and years.
Subject(s): Marching & Marches; Past

To some far rendezvous the days march past,
They swing to sharpened rhythms of their own;
To trumpet calls from heights unknown --
There is no change of step to slow or fast;
The columns move without a shadow cast:
(Their orders, sealed, contain your name and mine
We have no choice, nor can we fall from line)
It's they who give the countersign at last.
The days demand that we keep step as they
March through the vales, and hold the Pass of Tears,
They are not patient of our heart's delay;
Nor understand our stumblings and our fears:
Without a stalwart faith none can essay
To walk as comrade with the days and years.

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