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DIRIGE VIAS MEAS DOMINE!, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Open thyself, and then look in
Last Line: Yet happy who these rules observe.
Subject(s): Sin; Worship; Faith


OPEN thyself, and then look in;
Consider what thou mightst have bin,
And what thou art now made by sin.


Asham'd o' th' state to which th' art brought,
Detest, and grieve for each past fault;
Sigh, weep, and blush for each foul thought.


Fear, but despair not, and still love;
Look humbly up to God above,
And Him thou'lt soon to pity move.


Resolve on that which prudence shows;
Perform what thou dost well propose;
And keep i' th' way thou hast once chose.


Vice, and what looks like vicious, shun;
Let use make good acts eas'ly done:
Have zeal, as when th' hadst first begun.


Hope strongly, yet be humble still;
Thy good is God's; what thine, is ill:
Do thus, and thee affect He will.


Pray, when with others; when alone,
To scorn, or praise, be as a stone:
Forget thyself, and all, but One.


Remove what stands 'twixt God and thee.
Use not thy fancy, Him to see:
One with His will, make thy will be.


Look purely on God when thou doest well;
But not on heaven; much less on hell:
Thou'lt get Him thus in thee to dwell.


Useless our Master we do serve;
Our labours no reward deserve;
Yet happy who these rules observe.

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