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ON LOCH LEVEN, by                    
First Line: Scarce a breeze on the lake, with four oars to our boat
Last Line: Came quickly, and brought us to shore.
Subject(s): Leven (lake), Scotland; Mary, Queen Of Scots (1542-1587); Mary Stuart

SCARCE a breeze on the lake, with four oars to our boat;
The landscape no pencil could paint!
I thought of her fate, the midst of this scene,
When a boar puts us all in a fright.
Confusion and terror, my heart beat my breast,
Neither castle nor bower could I see;
The beautiful Queen who once made her escape
Was scarcely so frighted as me.
The house -- and the trees -- the town and the spire;
The hills -- and the cottages round;
The water -- the wind -- and the flight of the birds;
Did only my senses confound.
No thought was distinct -- or but lost in myself;
I prayed -- and our fate did deplore;
When Serff, that good saint, from his peaceful retreat
Came quickly, and brought us to shore.

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