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A STAR-GAZER GOES HIGHER, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: He read the vaulted heavens for his book
Last Line: What fadeless stars, what never-setting sun?
Subject(s): Future Life; Heaven; Stars; Retribution; Eternity; After Life; Paradise

He read the vaulted heavens for his book.
Stars, variable and constant, were like friends.
He watched the Seven Sisters as they danced,
And knew by heart the paths Arcturus wends.

Peering long hours into his telescope,
He swept the mystic vastness of the night --
The shadowed, lonely mountains of the moon
Brought to his dreaming soul their weird delight.

And now -- since on the wings of wind he's flown,
Life's little span on this earth-planet done --
For his rapt eyes what yet may be in store?
What fadeless stars, what never-setting sun?

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