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THROUGH THE MEUSE-ARGONNE TODAY, by                    
First Line: Not fraught with death and havoc the campaign
Last Line: As through the meuse-argonne they lead the way.
Subject(s): World War I; First World War

Not fraught with death and havoc the campaign
We wage today amid the blind and slain.
Not through a no-man's-land, a thousand hells
Weird-hued, of smoke and fire and murderous shells --
The scourging thunders of the battlegame,
All the fierce lightnings of a world aflame;
No, not through these stunned fields, these craters hoarse
With bloody wreckage lies today our course.

Ours is a simple part: the duty born
Of human fellowship for hearts forlorn;
Of love and gratitude for those who dared
Intrepidly all hazards; those who shared
Buddy to buddy, comrade good with ill.
Today we bear the flag of high good-will.
"Forget-Me-Not!" the very blossoms say
As through the Meuse-Argonne they lead the way.

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