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ETERNAL CHINA, by                    
First Line: The flames are dying at the dragon's mouth
Last Line: And drum -- advancing on the truth of life.
Subject(s): China

The flames are dying at the dragon's mouth,
And the hissing head, the steaming hide,
Settle together, and a burning drouth
Is scorching the sorrel countryside.
A night of cold foreverness must fall,
Unless a comet brush us far astray,
And China rise from darkness over all
And trample forward through its old decay.
The great gored dragon coiling on its spine
With fast barbs far in the life of the mass,
Bleeds slowly, but the soul retains its shrine,
And wounds may heal, and trumpets declaring, pass
Up flights of time, outsounding both the fife
And drum -- advancing on the truth of life.

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