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I HAVE NOT KNOWN, by                    
First Line: I have not known this thing you call the sea
Last Line: I should feel wonder ebb away from me.
Subject(s): Ghosts; Pirates; Sea Gulls; Ships & Shipping; Storms; Supernatural; Water; Piracy; Buccaneers

I have not known this thing you call the sea,
Though I have dreamed of a high rock at night
Touched by a green wave and a watery light,
And I have wondered how a storm might be
That reaches down black fingers to set free
Old pirates' ghosts, long buried out of sight,
Or if the mystical, imagined flight
Of ocean gulls could bear reality.

There have been many glories I have known
That took my breath at first, and then have grown
Commonplace, classified for loss and gain.
I think I must not travel from the plain
Lest once again, in looking out to sea,
I should feel Wonder ebb away from me.

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