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BEYOND THE SUNSET, by                    
First Line: Beside the cripple's casement
Last Line: Beyond the sunset veil.
Subject(s): Death - Children; Flowers; Graves; Death - Babies; Tombs; Tombstones

BESIDE the cripple's casement
Some fragile lilies bloom,
Dearest of all earth's treasures
To the child within the room.
And she said, "O, pretty lilies,
They say that I must die;
Will you grow where I am going
Beyond the sunset sky?"

And to her childish fancy
The lilies nearer drew,
And whispered softly to her,
"Yes, we will go with you;
Tho' in the place we came from
Beyond the sunset glow,
There are flowers more bright and lovely
Than earth may ever know."

A tiny form, white-shrouded;
The weary heart at rest;
A face as pure and lovely
As the lilies on her breast.
So they passed away together,
The child and the lilies pale,
To bloom for aye in the garden
Beyond the Sunset Veil.

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