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First Line: O had my folly never dared
Last Line: A soul that feels their force like mine!
Alternate Author Name(s): Brooke, Arthur
Subject(s): Charm; Courtship


O HAD my folly never dared
To taste the bliss which only thou
Canst give, though then I had not shared
What heaven can scarce to earth allow,
Yet, ah! my bosom had been spared
The pangs which desolate it now!

Look on me—it may be the art
Which lovers use,—since many feign,
Few feel the madness of the heart
Which drinks the blood, which dries the brain!
Yet my changed cheek might tell thee part
Of what this breast hath known of pain.

Still to my tortured heart 'tis sweet
To think the raptures I resign
None other can with thee repeat;—
For though thy charms be still divine,
It cannot be that thou should'st meet
A soul that feels their force like mine!

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