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Classic and Contemporary Poetry
SMECTYMNUUS, OR THE CLUB-DIVERS, by JOHN CLEVELAND Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Smectymnuus! The goblin makes me start! Last Line: And stretch her patent to your leather ears! Subject(s): Milton, John (1608-1674); Religion; Theology | |||
SMECTYMNUUS! The goblin makes me start! I' th' name of Rabbi Abraham, what art? Syriac? or Arabic? or Welsh? what skill't? Ap all the bricklayers that Babel built, Some conjurer translate and let me know it; Till then 'tis fit for a West Saxon poet. But do the brotherhood then play their prizes Like mummers in religion with disguises, Out-brave us with a name in rank and file? A name, which, if 'twere trained, would spread a mile! The saints' monopoly, the zealous cluster Which like a porcupine presents a muster And shoots his quills at bishops and their sees, A devout litter of young Maccabees! Thus Jack-of-all-trades hath devoutly shown The Twelve Apostles on a cherry-stone; Thus faction 's a la mode in treason's fashion, Now we have heresy by complication. Like to Don Quixote's rosary of slaves Strung on a chain; a murnival of knaves Packed in a trick, like gipsies when they ride, Or like colleagues which sit all of a side. So the vain satyrists stand all a row As hollow teeth upon a lute-string show. Th' Italian monster pregnant with his brother, Nature's diaeresis, half one another, He, with his little sides-man Lazarus, Must both give way unto Smectymnuus. Next Sturbridge Fair is Smec's; for, lo! his side Into a five-fold lazar's multiplied. Under each arm there's tucked a double gizzard; Five faces lurk under one single vizard. The Whore of Babylon left these brats behind, Heirs of confusion by gavelkind. I think Pythagoras' soul is rambled hither With all the change of raiment on together. Smec is her general wardrobe; she'll not dare To think of him as of a thoroughfare. He stops the gossiping dame; alone he is The purlieu of a metempsychosis; Like a Scotch mark, where the more modest sense Checks the loud phrase, and shrinks to thirteen pence: Like to an ignis fatuus whose flame, Though sometimes tripartite, joins in the same; Like to nine tailors, who, if rightly spelled, Into one man are monosyllabled. Short-handed zeal in one hath cramped many Like to the Decalogue in a single penny. See, see how close the curs hunt under sheet As if they spent in quire and scanned their feet. One cure and five incumbents leap a truss; The title sure must be litigious. The Sadducees would raise a question Who must be Smec at th' Resurrection. Who cooped them up together were to blame. Had they but wire-drawn and spun out their name, 'Twould make another Prentices' Petition Against the bishops and their superstition. Robson and French (that count from five to five, As far as nature fingers did contrive -- She saw they would be 'sessors, that's the cause She cleft their hoof into so many claws) May tire their carrot-bunch, yet ne'er agree To rate Smectymnuus for poll-money. Caligula -- whose pride was mankind's bail, As who disdained to murder by retail, Wishing the world had but one general neck, -- His glutton blade might have found game in Smec. No echo can improve the author more Whose lungs pay use on use to half a score. No felon is more lettered, though the brand Both superscribes his shoulder and his hand. Some Welshman was his godfather, for he Wears in his name his genealogy. The banns are asked, would but the times give way, Betwixt Smectymnuus and Et Caetera. The guests, invited by a friendly summons, Should be the Convocation and the Commons. The priest to tie the foxes' tails together Mosely, or Sancta Clara, choose you whether. See what an offspring every one expects, What strange pluralities of men and sects! One says he'll get a vestry, but another Is for a synod; Bet upon the mother. Faith, cry St. George! Let them go to 't and stickle Whether a conclave or a conventicle. Thus might religions caterwaul, and spite Which uses to divorce, might once unite. But their cross fortunes interdict their trade; The groom is rampant but the bride displayed. My task is done, all my he goats are milked. So many cards i' th' stock, and yet be bilked? I could by letters now untwist the rabble, Whip Smec from constable to constable; But there I leave you to another dressing; Only kneel down and take your father's blessing. May the Queen Mother justify your fears And stretch her patent to your leather ears! | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...MYSTIC BOUNCE by TERRANCE HAYES MATHEMATICS CONSIDERED AS A VICE by ANTHONY HECHT UNHOLY SONNET 11 by MARK JARMAN SHINE, PERISHING REPUBLIC by ROBINSON JEFFERS THE COMING OF THE PLAGUE by WELDON KEES |