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THE LAKE AT ZURICH, by                    
First Line: Richmond, dost thou remember rapperschwyl
Last Line: Nor is of eden feelings all bereft.
Variant Title(s): On The Lake Of Zurich
Subject(s): Alps; Mountains; Zurich (lake), Switzerland; Hills; Downs (great Britain)

RICHMOND, dost thou remember Rapperschwyl,
And the sweet banks of Zurich's lovely lake,
As on its bridge we leisurely 'gan wheel;
And how you trembled when you felt it shake;
How the old tower sent forth a merry peal,
Making the mountain echoes all awake?
And how the garden we could not forsake,
Till the moon rose night's glory to reveal?
Methinks even now I see the tiny tower,
With its mile-long unparapetted bridge,
And in the lake, a thousand fathoms down,
Enshrined, reversed, its emerald mountain-ridge,
And feel that earth has still an Eden left,
Nor is of Eden feelings all bereft.

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