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BACH, by                    
First Line: As some cathedral vast, whose lofty spire
Last Line: Strong to achieve, and faithful to endure!
Subject(s): Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750); Composers; Music & Musicians

As some cathedral vast, whose lofty spire
Is ever pointing upward to the sky,
Whose grand proportions, transept, nave, and choir,
Impress with awe, and charm by symmetry, —
Stupendous pile, where sister arts with grave
And loving tenderness mould form and frieze,
Adorn entablature and architrave,
And touch with life the marble effigies, —
So, great tone-master, strength and sweetness dwell
In thee, close-knit in interwoven chain
Of harmony, by whose resistless spell,
Uplifted to sublime, supernal strain,
The soul shall reach the noble, true, and pure, —
Strong to achieve, and faithful to endure!

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