Classic and Contemporary Poetry
SONNETS ON EMINENT CHARACTERS: 3. PRIESTLEY, by SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE Poet Analysis Poet's Biography First Line: Though roused by that dark vizir riot rude Last Line: To smile with fondness on her gazing son! Subject(s): Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804) | |||
Though roused by that dark Vizir Riot rude Have driven our Priestley o'er the ocean swell; Though Superstition and her wolfish brood Bay his mild radiance, impotent and fell; Calm in his halls of brightness he shall dwell! For lo! Religion at his strong behest Starts with mild anger from the Papal spell, And flings to earth her tinsel-glittering vest, Her mitred state and cumbrous pomp unholy; And Justice wakes to bid the Oppressor wail Insulting aye the wrongs of patient Folly: And from her dark retreat by Wisdom won Meek Nature slowly lifts her matron veil To smile with fondness on her gazing son! | Discover our Poem Explanations and Poet Analyses!Other Poems of Interest...AN INVENTORY OF THE FURNITURE IN DR. PRIESTLEY'S STUDY by ANNA LETITIA BARBAULD AN INVENTORY OF THE FURNITURE IN DR. PRIESTLEY'S STUDY by ANNA LETITIA BARBAULD TO DR. PRIESTLEY. DEC. 29, 1792 by ANNA LETITIA BARBAULD TO DR. PRIESTLEY. DEC. 29, 1792 by ANNA LETITIA BARBAULD A CHILD'S EVENING PRAYER by SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE A DAY DREAM by SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE A THOUGHT SUGGESTED BY A VIEW, OF SADDLEBACK IN CUMBERLAND by SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE AN INVOCATION; SONG, FR. REMORSE by SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE AN ODE TO THE RAIN by SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE ANSWER TO A CHILD'S QUESTION by SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE |