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TO WILLIAM HAYLEY, ESQ, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Hayley, thy tenderness fraternal shown
Last Line: Not more to admire the bard than love the man.
Subject(s): Hayley, William (1745-1820)

HAYLEY, thy tenderness fraternal, shown,
In our first interview, delightful guest!
To Mary, and me for her dear sake distressed,
Such as it is has made my heart thy own,
Though heedless now of new engagements grown:
For threescore winters make a wintry breast,
And I had purposed ne'er to go in quest
Of Friendship more, except with God alone.
But thou hast won me: nor is God my foe,
Who, ere this last afflictive scene began,
Sent thee to mitigate the dreadful blow,
My brother, by whose sympathy I know
Thy true deserts infallibly to scan,
Not more to admire the Bard than love the Man.

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