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THE SONG OF THE SEA WIND, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: How it sings, sings, sings
Last Line: How it wails!
Alternate Author Name(s): Dobson, Austin
Subject(s): Sea; Wind; Ocean

HOW it sings, sings, sings,
Blowing sharply from the sea-line,
With an edge of salt that stings;
How it laughs aloud, and passes,
As it cuts the close cliff-grasses;
How it sings again, and whistles
As it shakes the stout sea-thistles --
How it sings!

How it shrieks, shrieks, shrieks,
In the crannies of the headland,
In the gashes of the creeks;
How it shrieks once more, and catches
Up the yellow foam in patches;
How it whirls it out and over
To the corn-field and the clover --
How it shrieks!

How it roars, roars, roars,
In the iron under-caverns,
In the hollows of the shores;
How it roars anew, and thunders,
As the strong hull splits and sunders:
And the spent ship, tempest-driven,
On the reef lies rent and riven --
How it roars!

How it wails, wails, wails,
In the tangle of the wreckage,
In the flapping of the sails;
How it sobs away, subsiding,
Like a tired child after childing;
And across the ground-swell rolling,
You can hear the bell-buoy tolling --
How it wails!

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