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THE CURB-BROKERS, by                    
First Line: Hail, ye frenzied creatures, antic, mask-like figures
Last Line: And did ye ever walk among the rustling rows of corn?
Alternate Author Name(s): Wilkinson, Florence
Subject(s): Brokers; Business; Stock Exchange; Wall Street, New York City; Businessmen; Businesswomen

Hail, ye frenzied creatures, antic, mask-like figures,
Shouting gibberish symbols, wheat and corn and cotton.
Lo, the whole world is a maniac vision,
Worm-eaten by black hopes and wriggling poisonous alarms;
Neither flesh nor blood nor God nor devil,
One great brazen throat and dollar-signs for arms.
Hail, ye frenzied creatures,
'Tis a blue autumn morn!
And did ye ever walk among the rustling rows of corn?

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