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LONDONS REMAINS, by                    
First Line: All you whose cheeks my londons obsequies
Last Line: More glorious by your overthrow.
Subject(s): London Fire (1666); Great Fire Of 1666

All you whose Cheeks my LONDONS Obsequies
Once drenched from your watry Eyes,
Now drain those floated Grounds, and damme their Spring;
I better News from Phoebus bring.
Dear Muse, said he, walk the sad Round, and turn
Thy tender Bosome to an Urn;
Hide there the Sacred Dust: so we repair
The Bird that to himself is Heir:
And so shall LONDON from its Ruines spring,
And thou shalt its Good-morrow sing.
The Muse obey'd; but walking burnt her foot;
(Her limping Verse to that impute:)
Sad was the sight; yet this I like, said she,
Poem and Subject both agree:
For, me thinks, whiles unequal Lines I payre,
Like House and Ruine matcht they are.
Her Round perform'd, (sweet Madam) straight, to you
She crawles, with her Remarks, as due.
Your Vertue first, Relation, next, she knows,
Concern you in the Cityes Woes:
And since she's told, [A Ladyes Hand doth Cures]
She hopes that Influence from Yours.

Entring the City once exactly known,
Thalia found her marks were gone:
Whence, loath to ask her Way, for fear of danger,
('Twas death then to be thought a stranger,)
Silent, she joyn'd her self to every throng,
And bade her ears supply her Tongue.
In dumb Procession thus my Muse did pass;
And common Chat her Tutor was.

This was, said some, PAULS Reverend Edifice;
The World did not its like comprise.
A Carved Roof its Marble Pillars crown'd,
And these to that, vast Arches bound.
It's monstrous length to the unlearned sight
The Floor, and Cieling did unite.
Pillars remote, approach'd, which parted, nigh;
And each step up-hill seem'd to lye.
A Noble Porch suck'd in the Western Ray,
And through th' whole House did it display.
Whose richer Art made the Materials vile;
And with Two Princes crown'd the Pile.
But, so intense was the surrounding Flame,
The Marble gap'd, and loos'd the Frame.
The Roof, fail'd by its Propps, forc'd into th' Earth,
To seek the Place that gave it Birth.
Now nought remains but Ruines rudely torn,
Like Cliffs which fretting Waves have worn.
Chipp'd, like the rough-bew'd Oak, when th' Axe doth pare
Its Trunk to an uneven Square.

These Vaults (said others) do St. Faith comprise:
False Faith! write on her, Here she lies.
Rich Pawns the Letter'd Tribe did there depose,
But a deceitful Guardian chose.
Like Sybylls Leaves, the scorched Learning fell,
Scatter'd by Winds too farre to tell.
There; trembling Boyes rubb'd out their Authors sense
On studious Thumbs, then suck'd it thence.
The Muses in those Shops were woo'd and wonne;
But Money made the Match come on.

This learn'd; of all the Sacred Reliques, part
She grasp'd, and laid 'em next her Heart.

Thus, whiles she spends her charitable pains
On Sacred, mixt with Learn'd Remains:
Uncas'd, a Prelate, (on the Marbles Trust)
The Third Age since, sent Dust to Dust,
Entire appears; and so, if Rome, (said She)
Permit, entire remains for me.
Whiles its Devotion plunders Tombs, 'tis seen,
Protestant Faith's their safest Skreen.

Here my Muse made a stand, her weeping Eye
Sent round the Neighbour-Coast a Spye:
Where, like a Wood devested of its Lopps,
First CHRIST-CHURCH shew'd its naked Topps.
This Church, next PAULS was fam'd; PAULS the more wide;
But this with it for Neatness vi'd.
And many poor Boyes from its School had grown
To th' Honour of the Purple Gown.
May thy Celestial Patrons tender Care,
(Said She) advance thy quick Repaire.

The bordering Hospital when safe She view'd,
Her sad Face to a smile she skrew'd,
And said, Lame Forgeman, if the Tale be true,
This Mercy was thy Brethrens due.
PHYSICIANS COLLEDG next, its Seat did Fit,
Whether by Chance there plac'd, or Wit.
It stood at Amen, Pater-noster's close;
For he needs pray that takes a Dose.
A cureless Causon did the Colledg spend;
Nor did Amen its Furyes end.
Apollo's Council-house, said she, arise:
Dark Cases need a Clubb of Eyes.

A lofty Pile, (now humbled) next appears,
Once Christ'ned 'twas SAINT SEPULCHERS:
Which since it felt the all-interring Flame,
The Saint lost, kept its empty Name.
They tell us here of One unmelted Bell,
That toll'd Condemned Felons Knell.
This Rumour heard, hang still, said she, to do
That Work for LONDONS FAUXES too.

Thus, Westward plac'd, She view'd the WESTERN TOWN
Glad by its Tops it might be known:
And, (Englands Gloryes) I congratulate
To you, (She said) your better Fate.
There stands Saint Peter's Shrine: Next, that, wherein
What denies Princes Gods, is seen.
And there's the House where wisest Heads decreed,
And th' HALL where nimblest Tongues are fee'd.
And there's WHITEHALL, a Noble Pile, although
Its Royal Owner much below.
I joy you both, (may both Joyes lasting be)
Of Thee, thy Master, of thy Master, Thee.

Her Face once turn'd, she now beholds an Heap,
Where stood a Street, misnamed CHEAP.
Here once a glorious Aqueduct did shine,
Where Triumphs Water turn'd to Wine.
May Fire refine, and teach thee too, She cryes,
As statelier, so more honest rise.

On the next Gate, unhappy Limbs there stood,
That expiated Charles His Blood.
The Flames themselves were loath, that after-Times
Should lose the Vengeance of such Crimes.
This seen; Sad Reliques, teach the World, (She sings)
Long-handed are the Ghosts of Kings.

To SION-COLLEGE next She turns her Eyes;
Which, part-burnt, part-escap'd, She spyes.
Dear Books, (said She) your dangers were my cares:
And now my Joy exceeds my fears.
Glad you are safe; I gladder should become,
Your House re-built, and you at home.

Here flam'd an Hive the Muses Bird had fraught
With Honey from Hymettus brought.
Poor Bird! (said She) this Fate attends thy Name,
For BEES oft plund'red are with Flame.
But, Vulcan, yet, me-thinks, you Custom broke,
For th' Honey sav'd, the Bees we smoke.
Yea, rather, thank me, Madam, (answer'd Hee)
That took your Hive, and drove your Bee.
Your Bee preserv'd, will spread his buzzing wing,
And to New Hives all Hybla bring.

Within this Hive, of all the Wealth She lost,
The Sacred Criticks stung her most.
Dear Births, (said She) of my once-teeming Throwes,
Now Parents of my lasting Woes!
Unhappy Flame, in which devoured lye
Th' Ashes of all Antiquity!
No other Losse disdaineth Times repair:
But This, is Times and my despair.

Next GUILD-HALL, once, on Marble Pillars stood,
Pillars, too proud of such a Load.
Two armed Giants were its constant Guard,
Whiles thither peaceful Gowns repair'd.
Here, a grave Senate Causes did debate,
Which the Lord Mayor adjudg'd in State.
But lawless Flames adjourn'd the Court from thence,
'Gainst which its Guards were no defence.
But, Rise, (said She) more stately from thine Urn,
And may the banisht Court return.

The next advance unto her mind did bring
The Charms of an harmonious Ring.
The bended BOW shot thence reflected sounds,
Made up of Musicks best Compounds.
Its Courfeu-Bell once flames in order kept;
And rak'd up Fire till morning slept.
The Bow disarm'd, in vain now scar'd the Flame,
And the shrill Metal dumb became.
Yet Vulcan, triumph not, (said She) for thou
Shalt rearm the disarmed Bow.

Her next Advance the ROYAL CHANGE presents;
Where GRESHAM thus She complements.
Haile, Flames Surviver; though thy Noble Pile
Be burnt, (said She, and wept the while)
Thy Grashopper, (turn'd Cricket now) shall sing
A welcome to its second spring.
Mean while, this to thy Memory is due,
For one Change meant, thou built'st us two.

The ROYAL STATUES miss'd; her Memory,
Their Chronicle did thus supply.
First, the CONFESSOR left a doubtful Crown,
Which HAROLD snatch'd, and soon laid down,
The NORMANS prize: whom dead, his Caen deny'd.
For th' Hart, the Hunter, RUFUS, dy'd.
To Beauclerk HENRY Lampreys fatal were.
Th' Emp'ress, was STEPHENS Love, and Fear.
Fair Rosamund did Second HENRY charm.
And LION-HEART, the Lamb did Arm.
To JOHN, the Monk a deadly Wassaile clears.
Third HENRY's Barons prov'd his Peers.
First EDWARD, first the Welsh and Scot did quell.
Spitted to death Next EDWARD fell.

Third EDWARD, first the Noble Garter ty'd.
Un-crown'd, the Second RICHARD dy'd.
Fourth HENRY's Arms piec'd up his Titles Crack.
The FIFTH pay'd France her Conquest back.
Sixth HENRY once lost France, and England twice.
Both Losses were Fourth EDWARD's rise.
Fifth EDWARD was a King; but for his Crown
His Uncle DICK pay'd him in Down.
The Seventh HENRY weds the Rival Rose.
The EIGHTH, Romes Rival Power o'rethrows.
Sixth EDWARD early ripe, did early rot.
A bloody Reign did MARY blot.
Peace, Plenty, Piety, the VIRGIN fames.
Religion, Peace, and LEARNING, JAMES.
A Martyrs Name First CHARLES alone doth bear,
May [Merciful] the SECOND wear.

The dreadful Wrack now all together flings;
Crowns, Scepters, and the Trunks of Kings.
And, like your Statues, Kings, said She, you must
Once mingled be with common Dust.
But, Heavens, CHARLES his Fate delay! may slow
Arrive his Age, and slower go.
May he his Fathers in new Marble case:
And late with's Fathers take his place.
And you, who dream't o' th' Fall of Kings, at last
Grow wise, now Sixty-Six is past.
Come off (at least) like Oracles; and say,
Your Credit's sav'd; These Kings are they.

Muses love streams. Whence prompted by Loves Fires,
How fares the Thames! mine, next enquires.
On Arched Stone a Noble Frame here stood
To wed Two Towns, and check the Flood.
Its lofty Tops with Princely Buildings crown'd,
'Midst Waves stood as on solid Ground.
But oft the roaring Tydes assay'd, in vain,
To break the Adamantine Chain.
This Vulcan heard, and, Grieved Floods, (said He)
Your Liberty receive from Me.

Which Word in part made good; it since appears,
He took new Counsels from his Fears.
For doubted 'twas, th' enlarged Stream might swell,
And for its Soveraigns sake, rebel.
This learn'd: Fond Waves, wear still your Noble Chain,
Your Pride (said She) and not your Pain.
And may thy Furyes now by Fear repell'd,
(Vulcan) henceforth by force be quelld.

Near by, the River hal'd by Engines force
Beyond the Level of its source,
And branch'd by secret Labyrinths abroad,
In private Kitchins was bestow'd.
Pernicious Engine for my ruine fram'd,
Burn thou, (said Vulcan) and it flam'd.
Dear Engine, (said the Muse) be thy repair,
Thy skilful Artists second Care.

The next place view'd, was, where the Flame began,
From empty'd Tripes call'd Pudding-Lane.
And ne're (said She) to greater Honour rise,
Thou Source of Londons Tragedies.

The Royal TOWER next escap'd she spi'd,
By Art and Site joynt-fortifi'd.
The first of Caesars, (if you credit Storyes)
Added this Pile to's Brittish Gloryes.
The dreadful Terror of its Thund'ring Flames,
Gives Law to the surrounding Thames.
Here, Mars his Storehouse yeilds all sorts of Arms,
Both to repel and threaten Harms.
Here too, Kings Names and Faces authorize
Arms us'd for greater Victories.
A Royal Guard this Pile in safety kept:
He, it, and them, who never slept.
The siege of Flames this Fort did justly scare,
Which one small spark had toss'd i' th' aire.
And, but that Heaven interpos'd to save,
That spot had been Three Kingdoms Grave.

Whiles from these Sights the Muse returns, and here
Scatters a pray'r, and there a Tear.
In Goldsmiths Street, known by th' Italian Name,
She saw the dreadful Prints of Flame.
And that which GRACES some, some GRASSES, call,
(No matter which) now's none at all.
Its Grace, this Ruine shews, but mortal was;
And wither'd, like its Embleme, Grass.
At th' other end, a Nook there was repriev'd,
In which the LANGHAMS Seat surviv'd.
Once CROSSBY's 'twas; and thence the Name, although
That Name ne're match'd it so, as Now.
A Noble Seat of a more Noble Lord,
Where Mind doth with his Wealth accord.
This great, that generous, Friends by bounty made;
Those pay'd him Pray'rs, Pray'rs ruine stay'd.
Scarce could the Muse forbear ill-timed Joyes,
But could not this instructing Voyce;
Good Works quench Fires, whiles they ascend, (like rain)
In our needs to descend again.

Nigh, GRESHAM-COLLEGE stood; and (which is more)
Yet stands, though Ruine knock'd at door.
Apollo and the Nine, oft here resort;
And Helicon's the thinner Court.
Here learned Lectures on all Themes are read;
And Arts endow'd, Professors wed.
Philosophers here govern Earth and Skies;
And Kings Themselves Philosophize.
The Fellowship a Royal Title wears:
But things beyond their Title, dares.
Old Masters here are school'd again; and must
Now learn by Trial, not by Trust.
Here, Natures Cabinet is expos'd to sight;
And all her Shop held up to light.
Here, in a Tube, the armed Flea doth bear
Deaths on the point of's dreadful Spear:
And he that feels it, (whiles he sees it such)
Believes his Eye before his Touch.
Here, he that views the Native of his Head,
Disclaims the Monster that he bred:
And from th' Hair-Clubb his Armed Paw doth wield,
The place in which it grew, doth shield.

But, these are small things. It's much, that the Skye
Where Thought ne're pierc'd, admits the Eye.
White Rocks, the Moon, a second Albion make;
And that's a Sea, which was a Brake.
Sol's face now, Ladyes, Beauty-patches wears,
And Saturn's like a Pot with Ears.
Yea, Jove, and's Guard, and Heavens King-at-Arms,
Warr's God, and Venus with her Charms;
Each, in a narrow Glass strange sights displays:
And Starres are known, as well as Flea's.
Yea, Thou, whose greater Mind th' old World outgrew,
Might'st here each Night descry a New:
Though that would grieve thee too, except the way
To th' New Worlds were as known as They.

'Tis much, that Ayre it self in Scales is weigh'd;
And Scales by smallest Atomes sway'd.
That lawless Seas new Laws of Motion know,
And by learn'd Measures ebb and flow.
That the Ocean's rendred fathomable, and
Abysse, for a meer Name doth stand.
That from the Briny Pond new Buckets fill'd,
Excluding salt, fresh water yield.
That Summer-snow (the year inverted) cooles
Th' offensive heat of flaming Bowles.
That Water's harden'd to an Earthy Mass,
And Earth dissolves to what It was.
That Time more sure doth by vibration run,
And Pendulum-Watches set the Sun.
Yea, shortly, Timber shall the Fire repell,
When crusted with a Marble shell.
What pity 'twas, th' Invention came too late
These Ruines to anticipate!
For then had LONDON been Flame-proof; nor had
My Muses subject been so sad.
He too, that sung chang'd shapes, might hence enrich
His Muse, without a God or Witch.
Here, empty'd Veins with blood adopted swell,
And Souls in Foreign Bodies dwell.
Whence young juyce shortly wither'd Limbs shall fill,
And Time remount the passed Hill.
Yea, hastned Age shall Childhoods Neighbour grow,
And on the downy Chin shall snow.
Pylades shall into his Friend be tunn'd,
And he himself to him refun'd:
So that, when one must dye, the Fates shall be
Puzled t' unriddle which is He.
Yea, barking Lambs their flatt'ring Tayles shall rear,
And bleating Dogs their Pastures shear.
The neighing-Asse shall at the Drumme rejoyce,
And hoarse shall be the Horses Voyce.
Tapp th' Eagle into Man, and 'tis presum'd
Smooth Ganymed will soon be plum'd:
And Icarus with native Wings shall flye,
Where borrow'd Plumes in vain did try.

In summe. A thousand Wonders here do dwell,
Too great for my poor verse to tell.
The College stands, but in its visage bears
The marks that justifie its fears.
This seen; I thank thee, Vulcan, (said the Muse)
This Pleads thy former Pranks excuse.

Hence, all the envy'd Fragments that remain,
Her searching Eye doth entertain.
Some lick'd by scorching Flames, discolour'd were;
Where Ruine only wrote, [How near!]
Others entire, (though once alike resign'd)
Their Lords, restor'd with profit, find.
But make not others Losse, your Gains, (She says)
Oppression, Mercy ill repays.
The Flames from you received not their Pay,
But Heavens Commission did obey.
And had a like Desert, like rigour found,
Your Topps alike had kiss'd the Ground.
And you too, ragged Walls, which men walk under
Possess'd at once with fear and wonder;
Rise to GOD's Honour, and the KING's; and grow
More glorious by your Overthrow.

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