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SALE OF RAMSAY'S HISTORY PROHIBITED IN LONDON, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: Some bold bully dawson, expert in abusing
Last Line: The king will run mad -- and the book will be sold.
Subject(s): Censorship; England; Ramsay, David (1749-1815); English

SOME bold bully Dawson, expert in abusing,
Having passed all his life in the practice of bruising,
At last, when he thinks to reform and repent,
And wishes his days had been soberly spent,
Though a course of contrition in earnest begins,
He scarcely can bear to be told of his sins.

So, the British, worn out with their wars in the west,
(Where burning and murder their prowess confest,)
When at last they agreed 'twas in vain to contend,
(For the days of their thieving were come to an end)
They got their historians to scribble and flatter,
And foolishly thought they could hush up the matter.

But RAMSAY arose, and with TRUTH on his side,
Has told to the world what they laboured to hide,
With his pen of dissection, and pointed with steel,
If they ne'er before felt -- he has taught them to feel,

Themselves and their projects has truly defined,
And draged them to blush at the bar of mankind.

As the author, his friends, and the world might expect,
They find that the work has a damning effect;
In reply to his facts they abuse him and rail,
And, prompted by malice, prohibit the sale.

But, we trust, their chastisement is only begun --
Thirteen are the states -- and he writes but of one;
Ere the twelve that are silent their story have told,

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