Poetry Explorer

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A WELCOME TO THE FAIR, by                    
First Line: To north and south, and east and west
Last Line: Is camped upon the bay!
Subject(s): Exhibitions; Festivals; Panama; World's Fairs; Expositions; Fairs; Pageants

To north and south, and east and west,
Sierra's eagle cries:
"Come see the land we love the best—
'Eureka!' 'Tis our prize."

The four winds catch the eagle cry,
And waft it round the world.
Inviting ships of sea and sky
To see the flag unfurled.

A continent is cut in twain,
Ignoring nature's law,
And men from every mart and main
Will honor Panama.

Westward! Westward! o'er the plain
Is borne on every gale—
They come by broncho, car, and train
O'er every western trail.

Eastward! Eastward! set the sail,
Mikado's men of war,
Come tread in peace the mystic trail
In Frisco's harbor bar.

Northward! Northward! o'er "the line"
From old Magellan's strait,
The mermaid paths upon the brine
Lead to the Golden Gate.

Southward! Southward! is the goal—
Let not the dog train stay
Till every "musher" from the pole
Is camped upon the Bay!

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