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THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL, by                    
First Line: As o'er a sea untried and dark
Last Line: Throw open wide the door!
Subject(s): Exhibitions; Oregon; Roads; World's Fairs; Expositions; Paths; Trails

As o'er a sea untried and dark,
Into the setting sun,
Columbus drove his gallant barque
Until a world was won,

So into the west two hearts as strong
As ever sat under a sail
Into a wilderness deep and long
Followed an unknown "Trail."

O'er pristine prairies rolling wide
Where roamed the buffalo,
O'er parching sand and deep divide
Hard by eternal snow,

Past wolves and wildmen held at bay,
And cataracts wild and grand,
The "Star of Empire" led the way
On to the mystic land.

But the Trail at last ran into the tide
That washes the wonderful West,
Where the Oregon pours her waters wide
On the "Peaceful Ocean's" breast.

And they planted there the standard true
That waves on high to-day—
"They builded wiser than they knew"
As they blazed the rugged way.

For lo! a caravan in white
With priceless pilgrim freight,
Soon crowd the path, and wondrous sight,
They build an empire great!

Along the Trail so wild and bleak
The harnessed lightnings play—
And hark! I hear an engine shriek
In triumph o'er the way.

Now see them come! In tiers, on tiers,
They throng the hill and vale,
To view the growth of a hundred years
Along the ancient Trail!

The treasures of the East they bring,
E'en from the fields of war,
While wireless wizards on the wing
Bring greetings from afar.

Let pæans ring from "Golden State"
To Yukon's golden shore!
The world is waiting at our gate—
Throw open wide the door!

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