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GERMANY; A WINTER TALE: CAPUT 12, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Through the wood in the dark the postchaise bump'd on
Last Line: It appear'd, though with much mutilation.
Subject(s): Censorship; Freedom; Germany; Liberty; Germans

THROUGH the wood in the dark the postchaise bump'd on,
When a crash took place, sudden and frightful --
A wheel came off, and we came to a stand,
An occurrence by no means delightful.

The postilion dismounted, and made all haste
To the village for help, and I found me
At midnight alone in the darksome wood,
While a howling I heard all around me.

The wolves it was, who wildly howl'd
With half-stary'd voices all wiry;
Like lights in the darkness brightly gleam'd
Their eyes so fierce and fiery.

Of my arrival certainly knew
The beasts, and to honour me, proudly
They lighted up the forest thus,
And sang in chorus loudly.

I soon observed 'twas a real serenade,
Design'd for my glorification,
So threw myself in an attitude fit,
And spoke with extreme animation:

"Brother wolves! it gives me great pleasure to-day
"To tarry awhile 'midst your growling,
"Where so many noble spirits have met,
"Around me lovingly howling.

"My feelings just at the moment I speak
"Are truly beyond all measure;
"This present hour I ne'er shall forget,
"So fraught with exceeding pleasure.

"I thank you for the confidence thus
"Evinced beyond denial,
"And which by the clearest proofs ye have shown
"In every period of trial.

"Brother wolves! ye ne'er doubted that true I remain'd,
"Ye set all the rogues at defiance,
"Who falsely asserted that I had of late,
"Struck up with the dogs an alliance,

"And turn'd an apostate, and e'en in the fold
"As a Councillor soon they would show me --
"To answer such base assertions as these
"I feel to be really below me.

"The sheepskin that I for a time had on
"As a piece of warm clothing merely,
"Believe me, will never make me love
"The sheep's race an atom more dearly.

"No sheep am I, and no dog am I,
"No Councillor, or such like;
"A wolf am I, and my heart and teeth
"A wolf's are very much like.

"A wolf am I, and with the wolves
"I ever will be a yelper;
"Yes, reckon upon me, and help yourselves,
"And God will be your helper!"

This was the speech deliver'd by me,
Without the least preparation;
In the Allgemeine Zeitung, I'm told,
It appear'd, though with much mutilation.

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