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FAINT HEART NE'ER WON FAIR LADY, by                    
First Line: The burn runs swiftly, my dainty lass
Last Line: "but muckle waur to ask it."
Subject(s): Diamonds; Scotland

"THE burn runs swiftly, my dainty lass,
And its foam-wreathed stones are mossy,
An I carry ye ower to yonder shore
Ye will na think me saucy?"

"I thank ye, sir, but a Scottish lass
Recks not of a little wetting.
Will ye stand aside, sir? I can na bide, sir.
The sun o' the gloamin's setting."

"Yet stay, my pretty, the stepping-stones
Are a bridge o' my ane hands' making.
An ye pay no toll I maun be so bold --
The sweeter a kiss for taking."

"Farewell, ye braw young Highlander.
Tho' first ye sought to mask it:
Unceevil 'tis to steal a kiss,
But muckle waur to ask it."

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