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A SERVIAN LULLABY, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Little golden son, the rain is coming, coming
Last Line: And sail away to dreamtown where the skies are blue.

Little golden son, the rain is coming, coming--
Little golden daughter, the sun has set;
Birds stop singing now and wheels begin their humming,
Flowers fold softly up from the dark and wet--
Strawberry flowers and blackberry and wild mignonette.

Little golden son, your bed is spread and ready
All with snowy blankets soft as silk may be;
'Tis a fairy boat that shall sail you straight and steady
To the shores of Dreamtown, o'er a shining sea.

To the shores of Dreamtown, little golden daughter,
Sail away and sail away till the dawn is red;
Pleasant be your voyage over golden water,
Till you wake by Marko in your own white bed.

Sail away to Dreamtown where dream-folk are keeping
Growns set thick with rubies for gold heads of you;
Would that I might also once again while sleeping
Leave the weary spinning as your father left his reaping,
And sail away to Dreamtown where the skies are blue.

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