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WHEN SHADOWS ARE CREEPING, by                    
First Line: When over the woods and the river
Last Line: The red and white clovers are sleeping.
Subject(s): Clover; Evening; Forests; Shadows; Sunset; Twilight; Woods

When over the woods and the river
The shadows of twilight are creeping,
And fresh dewdrops sparkle and quiver
On daisies and buttercups sleeping,
The three leaves of red and white clover,
Hands folded, and head bending over,
First one, then another starts swaying,
As if dancing to soft flute notes playing,
Or Aeolian harp-strings swept lightly
By fairy hands nimble and sprightly.

When over the lake and the river
The purple dusk deepens and darkens,
To birch leaves and aspens a-quiver
My quickened ear listens and hearkens;
In fancy my footsteps are straying
Where drowsy red clovers are swaying;
Hands folded and head bending over them,
Waves gently each slender green clover-stem,
And under the twilight shades creeping,
The red and white clovers are sleeping.

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