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Classic and Contemporary Poetry

CAREFULLY, by                    
First Line: Carefully, on the safe and solid rock
Last Line: To the amused, victorious enemy.
Subject(s): Buildings & Builders

Carefully, on the safe and solid rock,
She knew how wise she builded, and how well;
How cunningly she fashioned bolt and lock
To seal the portal to the citadel;
How smooth and gleaming were the battlements
That nowhere offered foothold to the foe;
How high the guarded window, and how dense
The thorny boughs that hedged it round below.

And so she knew, and savored to her core,
How stark, how more than bitter is defeat
To one whose own swift hand unbars the door,
Who sees her towers toppling in the street,
And who herself delivers up the key
To the amused, victorious enemy.

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