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I KNOW THE WAY OF THE WILD BLUSH ROSE, by                    
First Line: I know the way of the wild blush rose
Last Line: For the love of a maid is for aye and aye!
Subject(s): Flowers; Love; Red (color); Roses; Summer; Sun

I KNOW the way of the wild blush rose
That blooms in the coppice there —
The wild blush rose whose beauty glows
In the languid summer air.
For, oh, she loves to be wooed and won,
And she opes her heart to the ardent sun;
And she tells her love while yet she may,
For love doth last but a summer's day.

I know the way of the nightingale
In the dark green ilex tree.
For each pure note from her pulsing throat
Breathes love's wild ecstasy.
She sings that her listening swain may know
The tender rapture that moves her so.
For soon, too soon, the leaf grows sere
And love will pass with the passing year.

But who can know the way of a maid
When her heart is sweetly thrilled?
Deep down in her eyes the secret lies
And the song on her lips is stilled.
But locked in love's first dear embrace,
A new light shines on her upturned face;
There's a song in her breast that shall ever stay,
For the love of a maid is for aye and aye!

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