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THE LAST HYMN, by                    
First Line: As they listened eagerly to all the master said
Last Line: And that jesus christ himself sang—and led the rest!
Alternate Author Name(s): Lee-adams, Blanche Ruby
Subject(s): Jesus Christ; Last Supper, The

"And when they had sung an hymn they went out—" Matt. XXVI-30.

As they listened eagerly to all the Master said,
At the table meagered, soiled with dregs of grape and bread—
Where Faith sat and Hate lived and Love burned a steady light,
What was the hymn they sang as they went out in the night?

Did they sing of Brotherhood in country lane and town,
Did they sing of Strife or Peace, and Glory oft laid down—
Did they sing of joys fled for joys yet sure to come,
Did they sing of partings soon with sad hearts torn and numb?

Did they sing in hurried calm, or reverently and slow?
What it was could not have been a hymn we'll ever know—
But we're sure that song lives on in many a human breast,
And that Jesus Christ Himself sang—and led the rest!

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