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BABY DEAR; CRADLE SONG OF THE BUCCANEER'S WIFE, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: In thy hammock gently sleeping
Last Line: Lullaby to thee.

In thy hammock gently sleeping,
Dearest baby, have no fear;
While thy mother watch is keeping
Danger never can come near.
I am here
Baby dear,
Mother's eyes
Watch her prize;
Pois'nous wing
Nor noisome sting
Shall harm thy sleep,
Tho' I may weep,
Weep for one that's far from me
Far across the stormy sea.
Let me dash the tear away!
Better far to hope and pray;
Oh, solace rare!
A tear may mingle with a pray'r,
A pray'r for thee, my baby dear,
And one, alas! that is not here.
Baby dear, baby dear,
In thy hammock calmly swinging,
Gently is thy mother singing
Lullaby to thee.

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