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ON THE QUESTION OF PORNOGRAPHY, by             Poem Explanation     Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: No debauchery compares with thinking.
Subject(s): Pornography

No debauchery compares with thinking.
This license breeds like some weed whose seed is carried by the wind
onto a bed laid out for daisies.

To all those who think nothing is ever sacred.
The shamelessly direct saying what they are driving at,
dissolute analyses, excessive syntheses,
rackish and hot pursuit of bare facts,
touching upon prickly subjects,
idea spawning, that is what they like best.

By daylight or under cover of the night,
they join in pairs, triangles and circles.
The partners' sex and age are immaterial.
Their eyes flash, their cheeks blush.
A friend leads a friend away.
Degenerate daughters corrupt their father.
A brother procures his younger sister.

They delight in a fruit
Of the forbidden tree of knowledge
different from pink buttocks in illustrated magazines
which are, actually, a good-natured kind of pornography.
The books they enjoy have no pictures.
The only excitement comes from special sentences
marked with a fingernail or a pencil.

It is most shameful in what positions
and with what licentious ease
a mind manages to impregnate another mind.
Such positions have not been detailed even inKamasutra .

All they do during these dates,
is making tea. Moving the lips,
people sit on chairs with their own legs crossed.
This way, one foot touches the floor while
the other one swings freely in the air.
Sometimes someone stands up,
approaches the window
and through the slit between the curtains
peeps at the street.

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