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LOVE AND MUSIC, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: I listen'd to the music broad and deep
Last Line: I heard love thrilling through the void profound.
Subject(s): Love; Music & Musicians

I LISTEN'D to the music broad and deep:
I heard the tenor in an ecstasy
Touch the sweet, distant goal; I heard the cry
Of prayer and passion; and I heard the sweep
Of mighty wings, that in their waving keep
The music that the spheres make endlessly; --
Then my cheek shiver'd, tears made blind mine eye;
As flame to flame I felt the quick blood leap,
And, through the tides and moonlit winds of sound,
To me love's passionate voice grew audible.
Again I felt thy heart to my heart bound,
Then silence on the viols and voices fell;
But, like the still, small voice within a shell,
I heard Love thrilling through the void profound.

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