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FROM HERR HITLER TO HIS PEOPLE, by                    
First Line: The fatherland shall reign supreme and I
Last Line: These eyes that watch, though dead, for my downfall.
Subject(s): Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945)

The Fatherland shall reign supreme and I
Declare my right to rule by sword because
I gained my power making people die,
Nor let the cries of babies give me pause.
My people shall I purge of alien blood,
And breed a race of Germans on this earth,
That shall submerge all others, as a flood
Submerges land. The Warrior God's re-birth
Shall be because I will it. Arm in arm,
We shall re-plot the world, taking care
To wipe out all who ever wished us harm.
I'll walk with Mars. We'll be a merry pair.
But I must find a way to banish all
These eyes that watch, though dead, for my downfall.

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