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THE PRESCIENCE OF THE ROSE, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: From out imprisoning petals - velvet red
Last Line: Be all unfolded and revealed to me?
Subject(s): Flowers; Red (color); Roses; Smells; Odors; Aromas; Fragrances

FROM out imprisoning petals — velvet red —
Thy soul slips forth in fragrance wondrous sweet —
A silent subtle presence — never fled,
That makes thy mastery over me complete.

How can I doubt God and eternal things
When I look on thy beauty — lovely rose?
A sudden certainty within me springs —
The very gates of Heaven to me unclose!

Hast thou, then, waited all this weary time
From tiny bud to fullest crimson bloom —
With hope and patience wondrously sublime
Through dismal, dreary months of cold and gloom?

Hast waited for my sake — heroic flower —
That this great secret — hidden close with thee —
Should in the sacred silence of this hour
Be all unfolded and revealed to me?

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