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NINIE, by                    
First Line: Perfumes, flowers, love, dancing, music
Last Line: P.S. Don quixote is an example.
Subject(s): Aphrodite; Dadaism; Italy; Mythology - Classical; Italians

Perfumes, flowers, love, dancing, music,
Sleeping beneath the fair star,
The nude Aphrodite,
A child that's beginning to walk,
The Spartan
Biting his lower lip;
The cithern's sound:
I am the man who's inventing the new cement.
The brooklets become rivers,
Inns palaces;
The sensibility overstimulated by the under side,
Is looking for chimneys, new elegance,
Whose ovens' goal is to melt the chains of liberty.
The air is not white,
Rich men do not love war.
My service is gold, and I eat from a plain dish.
Coast lands are not like the mountains.
Intelligence is the apple of Adam
Stupidity that of Wilhelm Tell.
The game of dominoes was invented by Menander;
There are not enough dominoes for me to like the game.
The backside is always the same;
The sun is always the same,
The moon too,
Art, too.
Novelty is only a drawing-room masquerade;
There is wit
But wit is Italian
And the finest thing in Italy
Is the mandolins.

P.S. Don Quixote is an example.

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