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TO LORD HERVEY AND LADY MARY WORTLEY, by                 Poet Analysis     Poet's Biography
First Line: When I but call a flagrant whore unsound
Last Line: And sweet adonis -- you have lost a tooth.
Subject(s): Hervey, John. Baron Hervey Of Ickworth; Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689-1762)

When I but call a flagrant Whore unsound,
Or have a Pimp or Flaterer in the Wind,
Sapho enrag'd crys out your Back is round,
Adonis screams -- Ah! Foe to all Mankind!

Thanks, dirty Pair! you teach me what to say,
When you attack my Morals, Sense, or Truth,
I answer thus -- poor Sapho you grow grey,
And sweet Adonis -- you have lost a Tooth.

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