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CONCORD BY THE MERRIMACK, by                     Poet's Biography
First Line: Serene amid the meadows
Last Line: Whose fame is ours forever!
Alternate Author Name(s): Dean
Subject(s): Concord, New Hampshire; Merrimac (river); New Hampshire

SERENE amid the meadows
Her seasons come and go;
To north her glorious mountains,
Her ocean tides below.
No Capital she envies
Its peak or plain or river —
Fair Concord by the Merrimack,
Whose fame is ours forever!

New Hampshire's treasured story
She guards within a shrine
As rare as Rome or Athens built
To those they held divine;
For her sons come back to crown her —
Their ties they cannot sever —
Fair Concord by the Merrimack
Whose fame is ours forever!

Still may the years bring wisdom
And honor to her halls;
Still her proud sons be eager
To serve when valor calls,
And see their Capital for aye
Of light and joy the giver —
Fair Concord by the Merrimack
Whose fame is ours forever!

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